
Экспертное межотраслевое объединение и ежегодный автомобильный пресс-тур, целью которого является привлечение внимания общественности к самым важным вопросам национальных целей в области здравоохранения и смежных отраслей ПодробнееНовости
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FGBUN IT FMBA of Russia continues the cycle of seminars «CONTINUITY AND CONSISTENCY GxP IN the PHARMACEUTICAL industry»
We invite you to participate in the second module of a series of seminars, “Continuity and sequence of GxP in the Pharmaceutical Industry”, which will be devoted to GCP and…

Workshop at the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Technology of the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency Day 4. GLP, equipment and communications
From July 29 to August 1, 2019, the first module of the series of seminars “Continuity and Consistency of GxP in the Pharmaceutical Industry” was held at the Federal State…

Workshop at the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Technology of the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency Day 3. GLP, LSI and Communications
From July 29 to August 1, 2019, the first module of the series of seminars “Continuity and Consistency of GxP in the Pharmaceutical Industry” was held at the Federal State…

Workshop at the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Technology of the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency Day 3. GLP, LSI and Communications
From July 29 to August 1, 2019, the first module of the series of seminars “Continuity and Consistency of GxP in the Pharmaceutical Industry” was held at the Federal State…
Казань — Иннополис — Н. Новгород — Суздаль — Москва
Опросы помогают фармотрасли разработать эффективные механизмы лекарственного обеспечения, качества и доступности лекарственных средств