Межотраслевое объединение Фармпробег | Workshop at the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Technology of the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency Day 4. GLP, equipment and communications

Workshop at the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Technology of the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency Day 4. GLP, equipment and communications

From July 29 to August 1, 2019, the first module of the series of seminars “Continuity and Consistency of GxP in the Pharmaceutical Industry” was held at the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Medical Technologies of Russia. The goal of the project is to familiarize participants with the system of good practices and connect them with the communication environment. Within the framework of the first module, participants plunged into the GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) system of norms and learned the basics of building effective communications in the professional community. We present to your attention a material devoted to the final day of the past event.

The final day of the first module of the series of seminars, August 1, 2019, began with a speech by Dainis Salmins, product manager of FarmBioLine, who spoke in detail about the equipment used in preclinical studies: equipment for keeping animals, washing machines, equipment for physiological and behavioral studies. Next, the participants proceeded to the archive of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution IT FMBA of Russia, where Alisa Belskaya, the head of the research of the Testing Center for Preclinical Research of the Federal State Budgetary Institution IT FMBA of Russia, MD of the Laboratory of Drug Toxicology, shared with the participants the basic rules for archiving and preparing documentation for archiving.

After visiting the archive, Anna Plesovskikh took the floor, who revealed the secrets of successful public speaking and preparing interesting presentations. Much attention was paid to the stage of preparation for performances: working with a picture of the world in the context of fears and worries, goal-setting, determining the needs of audiences, using the visual range, and effective techniques for preparing presentations. The training participants also learned how to work with the audience during the performance: how to establish contact, which techniques to use to relieve excitement during the performance, what position and position to take during the presentation, what to do with the signals of loss of attention. Also discussed in detail the structure of the speech and the answers to questions from the audience.

Upon completion of the lecture part, the training participants worked out the effectiveness of one- and two-way communication. To this end, the participants used the method of working in groups to consistently implement the process of one- and two-way communication, compare their results, and on this basis reveal their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages with the conclusion about the comparative effectiveness of these two types of communication. So, communicators received from the host sheets of paper with two geometric shapes. During the development of one-way communication, the communicator sat with his back to his group in order to exclude the possibility of visual feedback evaluation, and also did not answer questions from participants who reproduced the geometric pattern from the words of the communicator. When developing two-way communication, the communicator was facing the audience, answering questions, but did not use gestures to explain the illustration.

Following the practical exercises, the participants continued to work on developing a SWOT analysis of the remaining target groups: the patient community and regulators. At the same time, some of the participants started preparing their own presentations for the five-minute final public presentation, which should take into account all the learned material in the framework of intensive training.

The most exciting moment for participants in any communication training is an individual performance, because here, unlike group work, it is necessary to concentrate on solving the task – prepare a performance in a short time, cope with internal excitement, and reject the fear of external evaluations. It is amazing to see how people are revealed in just four days of work. In the case of the participants in this event, this process was more like magic, because the group included a participant who was catastrophically afraid of public speaking and successfully avoided them all her professional activities.

A miracle happened. The participant splendidly performed in her first public appearance with a camera shot. It is clear that this was not a miracle. It is clear that successful techniques help to effectively build the communication process. It is clear that there was an internal willingness to work out your fear and excitement. Nevertheless, this amazing result happened due to the general serious activity of the entire group of participants, who, by the way, also performed great in their individual presentations.

Immediately after the most exciting part of the training, the participants underwent individual testing, after which the most festive part of the first module came: Maxim Ivanov, director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Information Technologies of the Russian Federal Medical Academy together with Anna Plesovskikh, head of the Pharmaceutical Run interdisciplinary association, solemnly handed participants certificates on the successful development of the training program “Effective communication in the pharmaceutical and medical communities. Keys to effective communication. ” In turn, the participants shared their views on the past event:

Andrey Panchenko , head of the scientific laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Oncology named after N.N. Petrova “: ” In general, the training is very positive: it develops communication skills and is rich in useful information. The most valuable is the understanding of how to build arguments and get feedback on achieving the goal. Anna, I wish you new successful and interesting projects! ”

Anastasia Boyko , an expert at the Department of Organization of Preclinical and Clinical Research, Federal State Budgetary Institution Oncology named after N.N. Petrova “: ” Anna is a professional in her field, an excellent coach, removing all blocks. I got the knowledge necessary for professional work, worked out the fear of public speaking ”.

Alla Panchenko , head of the quality assurance department, FSBI NII MP, Sochi: “In a few words about general impressions – everyone must participate! Very useful! All the information was helpful! Keep it up! ”

October 2-4, 2019 we invite you to participate in the second module of the seminar series “Continuity and sequence GxP in the Pharmaceutical Industry, “which will be devoted to GCP and information flow management in modern realities . The announcement of the event will appear shortly.