We invite you to participate in the second module of a series of seminars, “Continuity and sequence of GxP in the Pharmaceutical Industry”, which will be devoted to GCP and information flow management in the modern world. During the seminar, participants will meet with leading experts on GCP , visit the modern center for clinical research, and also master an intensive training program on the topic: “Information flow. Keys for managing information in modern realities. “ & nbsp;
The workshop program will include:
October 2, 2019. Day I .
- Greetings from the Director of FGBUN IT FMBA of Russia M. Ivanov
- Greetings from the Director of Eco-Safety Research Center LLC Vasilyuk VB
- Greetings from the head of the contract research organization X7 Research Simeniva S.Ya.
- Presentation: “From GLP to GCP – Theory and Practice of Transition.” Speaker: Head of the Laboratory of Drug Toxicology FGBUN IT FMBA of Russia Zaitseva MA
- Presentation of the trainer Plesovsky A.V.
& nbsp; The first element of the training: “The Information Society. Theory and practice of information flows ”
Within the framework of the first day, the training participants will learn the basics of the concept of the information society: key theories and concepts, typologies and modern models of building the information society. They will also learn about the practical mechanisms of working with the information flow: how to check information for reliability, how to distinguish manipulative information from true information, how to quickly filter out excess information. Also, the first day of the training will be devoted to the development of practical skills in information management in a rapidly changing information environment and high speed data exchange.
October 3, 2019. Day II .
Presentation visit to the Clinical Research Center of the Research and Development Center Eco-Safety LLC, St. Petersburg, Yury Gagarin Avenue, 65.
Presentation: “Clinical Trials Research Center Management System Based on Good Clinical Practice”
Speaker: Manager of the Research and Development Center Eco-Safety LLC Professor V. Vasilyuk, MD
Presentation: “Modern information technology in ensuring the ethical expertise of clinical trials of drugs”
Speaker: Deputy Manager of the Scientific Research Center Eco-Safety LLC Candidate of Medical Sciences K.A. Zakharov
Second element of the training: “Information Security”
On the second day of the training, participants will learn the basic concepts and history of information security, the main methods and means of informational impact on a person, myths as a tool for influencing people, manipulative technologies, the influence of the media on the worldview, the role of advertising in manipulating consciousness, the means of informational influence and protection health.
October 4, 2019. Day III .
Visit to the Museum of Medicine
The third element of the training “Keys for managing information in modern realities”
On the third day, the training participants will learn how to manage information flows competently in a short time, in practice they will work out the keys to successful work with information, and will reveal the secrets of creating an image and an information image. They will visit the aerodynamic complex FlaArena, where the cultural program will take place and certificates on the successful completion of the training will be awarded.
Training Lead:
ANNA Plesovsky
Business coach, general director of the inter-industry association FARMPROBEG
Help about the trainer. Graduated with honors from Novosibirsk State Technical University with a degree in Public Relations. He has more than fifteen years of experience in the media and communications.
In 2006, within the framework of the Novosibirsk city website, the NHS (which later became an asset of the Hearst Shkulev Media media holding) was engaged in the development of the Internet resource and advertising on its sites. In 2008, she moved to the ANKOR personnel holding, where she grew up to be the head of the marketing department for Russia with relocation to Moscow (2012) and the manager for marketing communications (2015). In 2017, she came to the Federal State Institution “State Institute of Medicines and Good Practices” of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia as the head of the external communications department. In 2019, she headed the inter-industry association PHARMPROBEG, whose main mission is to attract public attention and popularize key ideas for the development of national health goals.
To participate in the seminar, you must fill out a preliminary application for participation at the link: https://pharmprobeg.ru/infopotok/ , as well as receive confirmation from the organizer.
Dates of the workshop: October 2 – 4, 2019
Address: St. Petersburg, st. Ankylosing spondylitis, 1
Cost of participation in the seminar: 20,000 rubles. The cost of the seminar includes: Communication with leading specialists in GCP, visiting the center for clinical research, training “Information flow. The keys to information management in modern realities “, coffee breaks. Please note that the number of seats is limited.
After successful completion of the seminar and training, participants will receive certificates “Information flow. The keys to information management in modern realities.”